
Amplify Your Marketing Message with Christine Campbell Rapin

Save Time & Money With a Minimum Viable Product Approach | Amplify your Marketing Message

With Christine Campbell Rapin

Watch this episode of Amplify your Marketing message to learn about ..

➡️ What is an MVP as it relates to business. 

➡️ How to create a product that produces buyers not followers.

➡️ How to use a 90 Minute Workshop model to fuel income growth. 

With your host: Christine Campbell Rapin 

Christine Campbell Rapin is a business mentor, consultant and owner of CLEAR Acceleration Inc. She has a no-nonsense approach to helping business owners achieve consistent client growth by improving client conversion rates. Creative service-based business owners and consultants seek her out to create consistently profitable businesses by implementing effective marketing and business strategies and scale successfully. 

To learn about the Business Scale Accelerator Mentorship Program to help you create more impact & income in your business visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://⁠www.christinecampbellrapin.com

CLEAR Acceleration Inc. Get Clear. Become the Must Hire. See Results. 

While on our website be sure to request your free 10 minute training resource on how to master your marketing message to create more impact and income in your business on the podcast page.

Today's Guest: 

Janine Bolon Janine Bolon has always had a side business in her life and shares with others how to manage a well-lived life of children, family, friends and clients while not suffering from burnout. Her 12 books, 91 online courses, 4 podcast programs and radio show all express her desire to share her systems & routines with others. Grab your free media kit course: https://authorpodcasting.com/free/ 

Syndicated on YYC Business.

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